How to jazz up your virtual event with plants


Here we are, locked up at home with social gatherings highly restricted. Our human instincts of socialising smashed to the ground. Luckily, we live in an age where we can still connect without leaving the comfort of our own home. From zoom meetings, to online workshops and Youtube DJ sets, virtual events are undeniably the new thing. Welcome to the 2020s.

Your screen, your new best friend. But listen virtual friend not all is lost. Virtual events can be interacting, attractive and successful. Your background is your new venue space, make it lush.  What you have behind and around you will highly impact how you captivate your online audience.

Here are a few tips for those who still want to keep their audience up, (and have exhausted all options of virtual fake backgrounds.)


Green walls, also called living walls are vertical walls which have been planted up in a variety of living plants. They create a fresh and attractive backdrop on which you can attach signage such as logos, slogans, etc. This is a great way to showcase your branding and a green image for your company. Set up your camera making the green wall the focal point.

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Potted plants are simple yet effective way to bring greenery to your virtual event – place the plants behind you to create a green backdrop, or on either side of the screen, with plants of different sizes and variety, creating different textures and tones for more visual interest. Many plant hire companies will offer plant hire packages to suit all budgets, making it an easy go to option.

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HapPea Events eco wedding plants nikau palm.jpg

If you are after a real immersion in nature whilst still being inside, garden islands might be the best option for you. Garden islands are displays created entirely of living plants and naturel elements. They will give you the feeling of being immersed in nature and may well trick your audience too.

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Virtual events have the possibility to reach a greater audience than before. The online world is limitless, and luckily Covid free, making the spread of your virtual event virtually limitless. Make it happen, make it lush.

Bringing the event world back - via webcam for now.